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Attention Advanced - Solution | |||
Seq2Seq-Attention (Reference) |
If someday PyTorch decides to remove the data.zip
file, I’ve added it to this repository.
enc_embedding = nn.Embedding(
>> Embedding(4347, 64)
enc_lstm = nn.LSTM(
>> LSTM(64, 64)
f'The encoder will take the input sentence {src_text[0]} = {" ".join(input_lang_itos[x] for x in src_text[0])}'
>> 'The encoder will take the input sentence tensor([ 13, 16, 463, 4, 3]) = tu es impatiente . <eos>'
enc_encoder_hidden = torch.zeros(1, 1, hparams.hidden_size), torch.zeros(1, 1, hparams.hidden_size)
enc_encoder_hidden[0].shape, enc_encoder_hidden[1].shape
>> (torch.Size([1, 1, 64]), torch.Size([1, 1, 64]))
# forward pass
seq_len = len(src_text[0])
embedded = enc_embedding(src_text[0]).view(seq_len, 1, -1)
enc_output, enc_hidden = enc_lstm(embedded, enc_encoder_hidden)
Note enc_output
and enc_hidden
will later be used by the decoder !
f'since our sentence has {len(src_text[0])} words, the number of tensors in enc_output is {enc_output.shape[0]}'
>> since our sentence has 5 words, the number of tensors in enc_output is 5
f'embedding: {embedded.shape}\nenc_output: {enc_output.shape}\nenc_hidden: {enc_hidden[0].shape, enc_hidden[1].shape}'
>> embedding: torch.Size([5, 1, 64])
>> enc_output: torch.Size([5, 1, 64])
>> enc_hidden: (torch.Size([1, 1, 64]), torch.Size([1, 1, 64]))
f'encoding for the word \'{input_lang_itos[src_text[0, 0]]}\' =>\n\n{enc_output[0]}'
encoding for the word 'tu' =>
tensor([[-0.0543, 0.0638, -0.1975, -0.1677, -0.0539, -0.0799, -0.0503, 0.0007,
-0.1526, 0.0269, 0.1492, 0.2136, 0.0022, -0.0716, 0.0493, 0.0884,
0.2390, -0.1747, 0.0222, 0.1018, 0.0792, -0.1830, 0.2660, -0.1601,
-0.0031, 0.2112, 0.1274, -0.2266, 0.1665, -0.0918, 0.1431, -0.1941,
0.1174, -0.1755, 0.2341, -0.1604, -0.0336, -0.0107, -0.0823, 0.2096,
-0.1492, 0.0024, -0.2048, -0.2197, -0.0225, -0.0126, 0.1423, -0.0376,
0.0351, -0.0735, 0.1298, 0.0437, 0.1812, -0.1990, -0.0230, -0.1988,
-0.0519, -0.0607, -0.0144, 0.0720, -0.2157, -0.0570, 0.0637, -0.0687]],
f'encoding for the word \'{input_lang_itos[src_text[0, 1]]}\' =>\n\n{enc_output[1]}'
encoding for the word 'es' =>
tensor([[ 0.0052, -0.1731, -0.2374, -0.0742, -0.1043, -0.0528, -0.0789, 0.0948,
-0.1553, -0.1581, 0.3061, 0.0233, -0.0263, -0.1190, 0.2288, 0.3443,
0.3691, -0.0884, -0.1495, 0.0013, -0.0716, 0.0549, 0.2131, -0.0852,
-0.1066, 0.2260, 0.0553, -0.0925, 0.2297, -0.0972, 0.2397, -0.0222,
0.0623, -0.3111, 0.2283, -0.1766, 0.0787, -0.0744, -0.0616, 0.0231,
-0.0838, 0.0849, -0.4161, 0.0202, -0.1292, -0.0138, 0.0784, 0.0334,
-0.1377, -0.0678, 0.0150, 0.1796, -0.0396, 0.1356, 0.0032, -0.0631,
0.0989, 0.0350, -0.2848, -0.0165, -0.1672, -0.0179, 0.1378, 0.0915]],
f'encoding for the word \'{input_lang_itos[src_text[0, 2]]}\' =>\n\n{enc_output[2]}'
encoding for the word 'impatiente' =>
tensor([[ 0.0732, -0.1036, -0.1111, -0.0589, -0.0526, -0.0549, -0.1882, 0.2312,
0.0089, -0.1297, -0.0507, -0.1168, -0.0353, 0.0075, 0.0738, 0.1092,
0.0566, 0.0912, -0.2511, -0.0793, -0.0123, 0.1230, 0.1665, -0.0725,
-0.0762, 0.1660, -0.1273, 0.0871, 0.2491, 0.0638, 0.2093, 0.0893,
0.1419, -0.2067, 0.0119, -0.1068, 0.1178, 0.0655, -0.0208, -0.0647,
-0.1147, -0.0500, -0.0150, -0.0616, -0.2934, -0.1099, -0.2117, 0.1308,
-0.1164, -0.0382, 0.1587, 0.1247, -0.1988, 0.1069, 0.0867, -0.0014,
0.0079, -0.0263, -0.1672, 0.0169, -0.0829, 0.0871, 0.0611, 0.0820]],
and so on every word is now encoded
A complete step by step Decoder Feed Forward
The Decoder parameters
dec_embedding = nn.Embedding(
>> Embedding(2805, 64)
dec_lstm = nn.LSTM(
hparams.hidden_size * 2,
hparams.hidden_size, 1,
>> LSTM(128, 64)
dec_out = nn.Linear(
hparams.hidden_size * 2, hparams.output_dim
>> Linear(in_features=128, out_features=2805, bias=True)
This is the attention part
luong_attn = nn.Linear(
hparams.hidden_size, hparams.hidden_size
>> Linear(in_features=64, out_features=64, bias=True)
from ttctext.datamodules.torch_translate import SOS_token, EOS_token, PAD_token
decoder_input = torch.tensor([SOS_token]).unsqueeze(0) # SOS is the first word to the decoder
decoder_context = torch.zeros(1, hparams.hidden_size)
decoder_hidden = enc_encoder_hidden # Use last hidden state from encoder to start decoder
f'decoder_input:\t\t{decoder_input.shape}\ndecoder_context:\t{decoder_context.shape}\ndecoder_hidden:\t\t{decoder_hidden[0].shape, decoder_hidden[1].shape}'
>> decoder_input: torch.Size([1, 1])
>> decoder_context: torch.Size([1, 64])
>> decoder_hidden: (torch.Size([1, 1, 64]), torch.Size([1, 1, 64]))
dec_word_input = decoder_input
# Get the embedding of the current input word (last output word)
dec_word_embedded = dec_embedding(dec_word_input).view(1, 1, -1) # S=1 x B x N
f'dec_word_embedded: {dec_word_embedded.shape}'
>> 'dec_word_embedded: torch.Size([1, 1, 64])'
last_context = decoder_context
last_hidden = decoder_hidden
# Combine embedded input word and last context, run through RNN
dec_rnn_input = torch.cat((dec_word_embedded, last_context.unsqueeze(0)), dim=2)
dec_rnn_output, dec_rnn_hidden = dec_lstm(dec_rnn_input, last_hidden)
f'dec_rnn_input:\t\t{dec_rnn_input.shape}\ndec_rnn_output:\t\t{dec_rnn_output.shape}\ndec_rnn_hidden:\t\t{dec_rnn_hidden[0].shape, dec_rnn_hidden[0].shape}'
>> dec_rnn_input: torch.Size([1, 1, 128])
>> dec_rnn_output: torch.Size([1, 1, 64])
>> dec_rnn_hidden: (torch.Size([1, 1, 64]), torch.Size([1, 1, 64]))
f'dec_rnn_output: {dec_rnn_output.shape} value =>\n\n{dec_rnn_output}'
dec_rnn_output: torch.Size([1, 1, 64]) value =>
tensor([[[ 2.4784e-02, 1.3236e-01, 2.8387e-02, 3.1887e-03, 1.3423e-01,
-8.7927e-02, 1.5511e-01, 2.8784e-02, 1.0580e-01, -1.4575e-01,
-4.3383e-03, -5.2812e-02, 1.7754e-01, -3.1593e-02, 6.7075e-02,
7.7494e-02, 4.9320e-02, 1.7713e-01, -2.0790e-01, -5.0475e-02,
-5.8649e-02, 4.6692e-02, -3.1964e-02, -1.3329e-01, -9.9950e-02,
-9.4949e-02, 2.1983e-02, 1.2766e-01, 3.3407e-02, 1.2375e-02,
-9.7627e-02, 8.2564e-05, 4.0589e-02, -5.0377e-02, -6.5772e-02,
2.8655e-02, -1.1418e-01, 5.5525e-02, 1.6390e-01, 3.2977e-02,
1.3898e-02, 4.4744e-02, -5.5388e-02, -5.9081e-02, 2.2567e-02,
-1.6297e-01, 9.2167e-02, -1.4468e-01, 5.4815e-02, -8.2351e-02,
-4.3525e-02, 6.9047e-02, 5.4019e-02, -1.1496e-01, -1.9732e-01,
5.2014e-02, 2.2706e-01, 6.1765e-02, 1.0778e-01, 7.5064e-02,
1.1164e-01, -4.1908e-02, -7.5117e-02, 1.3715e-02]]],
Calculate attention from current RNN state
seq_len = len(enc_output)
# Create variable to store attention energies
attn_energies = torch.zeros(seq_len) # B x 1 x S
attn_hidden = dec_rnn_output.squeeze(0)
# Calculate energies for each encoder output
for i in range(seq_len):
energy = luong_attn(enc_output[i])
energy = attn_hidden.view(-1).dot(energy.view(-1))
print(f'energy for {i}th word: {energy}')
attn_energies[i] = energy
>> energy for 0th word: 0.013496480882167816
>> energy for 1th word: -0.019721370190382004
>> energy for 2th word: 0.04026033729314804
>> energy for 3th word: 0.11657365411520004
>> energy for 4th word: 0.05412563309073448
f'attention energies: {attn_energies.shape} values =>\n\n{attn_energies}',
attention energies: torch.Size([5]) values =>
tensor([ 0.0135, -0.0197, 0.0403, 0.1166, 0.0541], grad_fn=<CopySlices>)
# Normalize energies to weights in range 0 to 1, resize to 1 x 1 x seq_len
dec_attn_weights = F.softmax(attn_energies, dim=0).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
>> tensor(1., grad_fn=<SumBackward0>)
f'attention weights: {dec_attn_weights.shape} values =>\n\n{dec_attn_weights}'
attention weights: torch.Size([1, 1, 5]) values =>
>> tensor([[[0.1944, 0.1880, 0.1997, 0.2155, 0.2024]]],
# apply to encoder outputs
dec_context_new = dec_attn_weights.bmm(enc_output.transpose(0, 1)) # B x 1 x N
f'dec_context_new: {dec_context_new.shape} values =>\n\n{dec_context_new}'
dec_context_new: torch.Size([1, 1, 64]) values =>
tensor([[[ 0.0873, -0.0190, -0.0559, -0.0386, -0.0353, 0.0400, -0.0116,
0.1641, -0.0525, -0.0474, 0.0651, 0.0297, -0.0100, -0.1076,
0.0932, 0.1184, 0.1446, -0.0358, -0.2018, 0.0410, -0.0010,
-0.0116, 0.1718, -0.0905, -0.0948, 0.2211, -0.1088, -0.0856,
0.0962, -0.0698, 0.0966, -0.0301, 0.1399, -0.1744, 0.0716,
-0.1258, 0.0235, -0.0409, -0.0293, 0.0687, -0.0779, 0.0336,
-0.1106, 0.0323, -0.1402, -0.0324, -0.0821, 0.1166, -0.1192,
0.0371, 0.1582, 0.0321, -0.1342, 0.1206, 0.0797, -0.0553,
-0.0261, 0.0474, -0.0550, 0.0025, -0.0787, -0.0014, -0.0070,
0.0421]]], grad_fn=<BmmBackward0>)
# Final output layer (next word prediction) using the RNN hidden state and context vector
dec_rnn_output_new = dec_rnn_output.squeeze(0) # S=1 x B x N -> B x N
dec_context_new = dec_context_new.squeeze(1) # B x S=1 x N -> B x N
dec_output_final = F.log_softmax(
dec_out(torch.cat((dec_rnn_output_new, dec_context_new), dim=1)),
dec_out(torch.cat((dec_rnn_output_new, dec_context_new), dim=1)),
>> tensor(-22277.1465, grad_fn=<SumBackward0>)
>> tensor(-22277.1465, grad_fn=<SumBackward0>)
f'size after concatenating dec_context and dec_rnn_output: {torch.cat((dec_rnn_output_new, dec_context_new), dim=1).shape}'
size after concatenating dec_context and dec_rnn_output: torch.Size([1, 128])
After applying the final FC layer of decoder output
f'dec_rnn_output_new: {dec_rnn_output_new.shape} values =>\n\n{dec_rnn_output_new}'
dec_rnn_output_new: torch.Size([1, 64]) values =>
tensor([[ 2.4784e-02, 1.3236e-01, 2.8387e-02, 3.1887e-03, 1.3423e-01,
-8.7927e-02, 1.5511e-01, 2.8784e-02, 1.0580e-01, -1.4575e-01,
-4.3383e-03, -5.2812e-02, 1.7754e-01, -3.1593e-02, 6.7075e-02,
7.7494e-02, 4.9320e-02, 1.7713e-01, -2.0790e-01, -5.0475e-02,
-5.8649e-02, 4.6692e-02, -3.1964e-02, -1.3329e-01, -9.9950e-02,
-9.4949e-02, 2.1983e-02, 1.2766e-01, 3.3407e-02, 1.2375e-02,
-9.7627e-02, 8.2564e-05, 4.0589e-02, -5.0377e-02, -6.5772e-02,
2.8655e-02, -1.1418e-01, 5.5525e-02, 1.6390e-01, 3.2977e-02,
1.3898e-02, 4.4744e-02, -5.5388e-02, -5.9081e-02, 2.2567e-02,
-1.6297e-01, 9.2167e-02, -1.4468e-01, 5.4815e-02, -8.2351e-02,
-4.3525e-02, 6.9047e-02, 5.4019e-02, -1.1496e-01, -1.9732e-01,
5.2014e-02, 2.2706e-01, 6.1765e-02, 1.0778e-01, 7.5064e-02,
1.1164e-01, -4.1908e-02, -7.5117e-02, 1.3715e-02]],
f'dec_context_new: {dec_context_new.shape} values =>\n\n{dec_context_new}'
dec_context_new: torch.Size([1, 64]) values =>
tensor([[ 0.0873, -0.0190, -0.0559, -0.0386, -0.0353, 0.0400, -0.0116, 0.1641,
-0.0525, -0.0474, 0.0651, 0.0297, -0.0100, -0.1076, 0.0932, 0.1184,
0.1446, -0.0358, -0.2018, 0.0410, -0.0010, -0.0116, 0.1718, -0.0905,
-0.0948, 0.2211, -0.1088, -0.0856, 0.0962, -0.0698, 0.0966, -0.0301,
0.1399, -0.1744, 0.0716, -0.1258, 0.0235, -0.0409, -0.0293, 0.0687,
-0.0779, 0.0336, -0.1106, 0.0323, -0.1402, -0.0324, -0.0821, 0.1166,
-0.1192, 0.0371, 0.1582, 0.0321, -0.1342, 0.1206, 0.0797, -0.0553,
-0.0261, 0.0474, -0.0550, 0.0025, -0.0787, -0.0014, -0.0070, 0.0421]],
f'dec_output_final: {dec_output_final.shape} values =>\n\n{dec_output_final}'
dec_output_final: torch.Size([1, 2805]) values =>
>> tensor([[-7.8912, -7.8641, -7.9288, ..., -7.8772, -7.9572, -8.1186]],
dec_topv, dec_topi = dec_output_final.data.topk(1)
ni = dec_topi[0, 0]
dec_topv, dec_topi
>> (tensor([[-7.6851]]), tensor([[2579]]))
f'predicted word: {target_lang_itos[ni]}'
>> predicted word: samples
Now we run it for two inputs
decoder_input = torch.tensor([SOS_token]).unsqueeze(0) # SOS is the first word to the decoder
decoder_context = torch.zeros(1, hparams.hidden_size)
decoder_hidden_test = enc_encoder_hidden # Use last hidden state from encoder to start decoder
last_context = decoder_context
last_hidden = decoder_hidden
i = 0
dec_word_input = decoder_input
print(f'decoder word input: {dec_word_input} value: {target_lang_itos[dec_word_input[0, 0]]}')
dec_word_embedded = dec_embedding(dec_word_input).view(1, 1, -1)
dec_rnn_input = torch.cat((dec_word_embedded, last_context.unsqueeze(0)), dim=2)
dec_rnn_output, dec_rnn_hidden_new = dec_lstm(dec_rnn_input, last_hidden)
# --- attn
seq_len = len(enc_output)
attn_energies = torch.zeros(seq_len)
attn_hidden = dec_rnn_output.squeeze(0).squeeze(0)
for i in range(seq_len):
energy = luong_attn(enc_output[i]).squeeze(0)
energy = attn_hidden.dot(energy)
attn_energies[i] = energy
# --- attn
dec_attn_weights = F.softmax(attn_energies, dim=0).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
print(f'attentions: {dec_attn_weights[0, 0].detach().numpy()}')
dec_context_new = dec_attn_weights.bmm(enc_output.transpose(0, 1))
dec_rnn_output_new = dec_rnn_output.squeeze(0) # S=1 x B x N -> B x N
dec_context_new = dec_context_new.squeeze(1) # B x S=1 x N -> B x N
dec_output_final = F.log_softmax(
dec_out(torch.cat((dec_rnn_output_new, dec_context_new), 1)),
dec_topv, dec_topi = dec_output_final.data.topk(1)
ni = dec_topi[0, 0]
f'predicted word: {target_lang_itos[ni]}'
decoder_input = torch.tensor([ni]).unsqueeze(0)
last_context = dec_context_new
last_hidden = dec_rnn_hidden_new
>> decoder word input: tensor([[2]]) value: <sos>
>> attentions: [0.1943825 0.18803161 0.19965519 0.21548797 0.20244274]
>> predicted word: samples
last_context = decoder_context
last_hidden = decoder_hidden
i = 1
dec_word_input = decoder_input
print(f'decoder word input: {dec_word_input} value: {target_lang_itos[dec_word_input[0, 0]]}')
dec_word_embedded = dec_embedding(dec_word_input).view(1, 1, -1)
dec_rnn_input = torch.cat((dec_word_embedded, last_context.unsqueeze(0)), dim=2)
dec_rnn_output, dec_rnn_hidden_new = dec_lstm(dec_rnn_input, last_hidden)
# --- attn
seq_len = len(enc_output)
attn_energies = torch.zeros(seq_len)
attn_hidden = dec_rnn_output.squeeze(0).squeeze(0)
for i in range(seq_len):
energy = luong_attn(enc_output[i]).squeeze(0)
energy = attn_hidden.dot(energy)
attn_energies[i] = energy
# --- attn
dec_attn_weights = F.softmax(attn_energies, dim=0).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
print(f'attentions: {dec_attn_weights[0, 0].detach().numpy()}')
dec_context_new = dec_attn_weights.bmm(enc_output.transpose(0, 1))
dec_rnn_output_new = dec_rnn_output.squeeze(0) # S=1 x B x N -> B x N
dec_context_new = dec_context_new.squeeze(1) # B x S=1 x N -> B x N
dec_output_final = F.log_softmax(
dec_out(torch.cat((dec_rnn_output_new, dec_context_new), 1)),
dec_topv, dec_topi = dec_output_final.data.topk(1)
ni = dec_topi[0, 0]
f'predicted word: {target_lang_itos[ni]}'
decoder_input = torch.tensor([ni]).unsqueeze(0)
last_context = dec_context_new
last_hidden = dec_rnn_hidden_new
>> decoder word input: tensor([[2579]]) value: samples
>> attentions: [0.21555178 0.19511788 0.20333609 0.19306885 0.19292536]
>> predicted word: shot
For even more verbosity please look into the notebook file for this assignment. (links are to the top)
[KEY: > input, = target, < output]
> elle est de mauvaise humeur .
= she is in a bad mood .
< she is in a mood . <EOS>
> je suis dure a cuire .
= i m tough .
< i m tough . <EOS>
> j etudie l economie a l universite .
= i m studying economics at university .
< i m studying the college . <EOS>
> je n en suis pas trop convaincu .
= i m not too convinced .
< i m not too too . <EOS>
> je suis ravie de t aider .
= i am glad to help you .
< i m glad to help you . <EOS>
> elle a tres peur des chiens .
= she s very afraid of dogs .
< she is very afraid of dogs . <EOS>
> il est fier d etre musicien .
= he is proud of being a musician .
< he s proud of a of . <EOS>
> c est le portrait crache de son pere .
= he is the image of his father .
< he is the for father father . <EOS>
> je suis juste paresseuse .
= i m just lazy .
< i m just . . <EOS>
> nous sommes en train de nous en charger .
= we re handling it .
< we re back . <EOS>